Update....January Sofar..

Some days are difficult...some days go a little better...
I sometimes feel we are living in an inbetween period in our life. Difficult sometimes to deal with, but there is also awareness of how special life is.
Often memories turn up...

Today while I took Bram in his wheelchair to the market I suddenly saw us -29 years ago- walking there. Buying vegetables and flowers on a Saturday in spring. Everything taken home in a natural canvas bag from Marimekko. A warm day it was, and we both felt good together.
He must have looked like this picture.

I always feel good with him..very good, even now when he is ill and I push the wheelchair. We both cross borders to make the most of it.

But he is tired, his eyesight get's worse and walking is very difficult. Every day he has to pick himself up to start the day. I admire him for that, but I also understand it when he says that life is getting hard for him, and that he doesn't like to live in this way...

From the beginning I have felt that we belong together. We met on an evening for gays in a rough youth centre, and no....I didn't went home with him that evening....but we had a nice talk and I gave him my phone number.
He rang me up the next evening, and he invited me for dinner that friday and he would pick me up at my house.
I remember when I opened the door I thought..that is him, I know for sure it is him..and I fell in love in a split second..
Guess it was because of his eyes and the look he gave me.
We started living together immediately. Not always easy, but we managed by talking.
He is -what they call- the Love of my Life....almost 30 years now in 2 weeks time..

As for the rest...
Work has started last week after 2 weeks holiday...

I am still knitting...but not that much..( sometimes I am so tired that picking up the needles is too much...really)
Odinn still not ready...working on a sleeve...

Need to finish it of, because it is getting colder...Winter finally is arriving.

I did knit a cowl for our new great CleaningLady Agnes...

Since she is with us we feel  living in a brand new house. And she is funny, chatty and great to have her around. We are both very found of her..

And I am knitting another one for myself...both in beautiful Easyknits yarn..Twinkle is the name of the yarn.

Our dear friend Tiny is helping me with making curtains from fabric I bought at IKEA. 
The simple plain cotton curtains make the house looks so fresh..and intimate..

It was great to have my sewingmachine back on the table..My dear old Singer who has done so much for me over for as much as 29 years. She is an old Lady, but has never let me down.

Paul, another friend of us did some DIY in the shower. Everything which stood on the washingmachine and outside is now behind the doors of a little cabinet.

And he is making us bookshelves under the stairs..

Our house is lovely to live in, but we don't have must place for storage..but..no complaining..

So the house will look better at the end..must save a bit of money for a new couch..and for repairing of some chairs..

I am still doing the Goldsmith Course...working on a button with felt attached to it..

Hope to finish it (well I must!) the coming week, so I than can start on my BIG BRACELET PROJECT.

And I must tell you about my absolute Bargain Find yesterday..

Yesterday when visiting a charityshop close by were I live - to buy something for my new weekly blog in Dutch named "Kringloopverhaaltjes"- I found an original -almost brand new looking hardly worn- Harris Tweed jacket.

I just love Harris Tweed. The tradition of it, the colours, the roughness of the fabric, the leather buttons, the label with the Orb on it..
Always when I see that label my mind wanders back to the holiday we did spend on the Outer Hebrides. It was a year after I finished Art school and being there was fantastic. We camped, did rent a house next tot he see and went on the hunt for Harris Tweed. A beautiful and great memory.

Despite the fact that the sleeves are a little bit too short..I decided to buy it..I could not resist, even not because I hardly wear a jacket normally...

And because I met up with a friend..and because it was a sale that day..it was 2 for the price of 1...we made a deal.
She picked out a sweater..I had my jacket..we went to pay..the price was total..
€4,00..so we both payed €2,00!!! That is a REAL BARGAIN ISN'T IT??

Because it is crisis..and because I love to do a little crafting..and because the sleeves are a bit short I had a look in my stash and found a ball of Jamieson's yarn in a green which looks great to with. 

Actually..a lot of colours look great with Harris Tweed due to the fact that there are so many colours in it which come from nature. 
I will cut of a part of the sleeve and knit a 2x2 ribbing and sew it to the sleeve.. Will happen the coming week..or weeks..

Well..just a little Update sofar from the first weeks of January 2013.


  1. Bijzonder hoe je de meest moeilijke dingen en emoties in het leven kunt benoemen, liefhebben en loslaten. Vol bewondering lees ik elke keer je blogpost en kan alleen maar zeggen wat een bijzonder mens je bent en hoe waardevol ik het vind om je zo te mogen volgen. Een prachtig voorbeeld van een levenskunstenaar!
    Sterkte met deze fase in de relatie die al bestaat.

    x x x

  2. Het is fijn om te lezen dat je goede herinneringen hebt en je daar aan optrekt. Gelukkig hebben jullie beiden een goed vangnet voor ondersteuning en support.

    Wat Tijm zegt; een levenskunstenaar. Genieten van kleine en grote momenten; geluk delen en brilliante koopjes treffen!

    Niet iedereen kijkt zo de wereld in.


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