
Some weekends go by in a pleasant way..
Some start a bit difficult, but all gets well at the end..
This weekend is one from the 2nd category..

When I came home Fridayafternoon I felt exhausted.
A glass of Wine is how my weekend always starts..
But after half a glass I went upstairs for a nap on the couch.
Didn't feel well after that..

Saturdaymorning started with a light headache.
The idea of all the work I had to do as shopping etc. made me a little grumpy..
Tired I was, after a night with not enough sleep..

But it all cleared up when Jim and his parents arrived.
My mood became lighter.
I always love to talk with him...and see everything from his 4 years old perspective.

Because the weather was quite good -inbetween showers- we took the wheelchair and the 5 of us went for a stroll in town. 
And for coffee and cake....

Since 2 weeks we have "Brood van Joop".

He sells the best Organic loafs in town. Sourdough. Yeast etc. etc.. and very good Brownies!!
Not baked by himself, but he gets them from DrieKant in Zutphen which is the city I grew up.
And he serves very good coffee!!!

Jim has turned into a little boy who is very curious.
Very communicative and he loves to talk and ask questions..
How to get this jar open??

He loves to take pictures with my phone....
Not all very clear...

Some atmospheric...

Showing what has happened... an empty coffee-cup and plate...
(Must say That Cheesecake was very Good!)

An eye for detail....

For Joop and his assistant..

And for people popping in...

He took a good one from Opa Bram...

And this one I took from him...

The rest of the weekend was calm..
Little progress on my Blue sweater in Shetland yarn..

It is a bit of a dull knit..
Boring at some times..
Only knit stitches and decreases...
The fit is quite OK...
But I want to have this one finished before starting a new project with some more excitement.

Some new mittens and gloves..
A cowl perhaps...
My own Sarah Lund Sweater..
I need to finish of my Fair Isle Project...
Learn a new technique..
Perhaps Twined Knitting, that old Swedish Technique for a dense fabric...
Reminds me of THIS!!
Please sign this petition so we all can enjoy this book in English, and read and learn everything about this fascinating technique.

One week to go and than a week holiday starts..
Time to Clear out the garden and Relax...


  1. Bijzonder, Opa Bram kijkt net zo de wereld in als kleinzoon Jim. Mooie mannen!

  2. wat zit Bram hier een partijtje te genieten


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