Ireland in a Box..

Last week the postman delivered -unexpected- a Big Box. Stamps were from Ireland and I immediately recognized the writing. It was from Anne who -for many years- did rent out to the little cottage by the sea in Connemara. The place we love so much, and the place we can't visit anymore together because of Bram's illness. The chats with Pat and Tony outside, and the talks Anne and I had about all kind of subjects of life while sitting at the table and drinking tea together. Little gossip ofcourse and who is who...and how was it to grow up in this place at the edge of Europe... Feeling at home there. Nowhere else, and never I had that feeling of coming home. Driving up the hill to Cleggan and the vieuw from there..the little pier, the ferry waiting for a crossing, Inishbofin...This always has been an emotional moment for me. Even while writing this, tears are running. The box was filled with memories. Chocolat, salmon, pictures, a beautiful Irish linen Tea towe...