Lots of Fashion... but not much Knitting Nowadays..

Over the last few weeks it was almost all about Fashion. My students from the 4th year are finishing the school with their Final Collections. For me it is always a joy to see and hear them talk bout their own Collection. Those presentation days we had over the last weeks are almost the best days from the year for me. To see them grow within the 4 years study is a joy to watch and one of the great benefits of being a teacher. There is a Fashion show coming up on Tuesday so my work is very busy and hectic at the moment (so much comes inbwetween). Pictures from the fashionshow will appear hopefully in my next post but here are some details.. and yes..it is all about fabrics, details and creativity!!

It is always a lot of work for them to do, but this year the level is very high and the extern examinators were very impressed by the standard of it.
It is not only that we show the Final collections but also from other classes and levels. My 3th year class are also presenting their garments they designed over the last year. Some details are really worth to be seen...

It is Busy.... I came home on Fridayafternoon and had to sleep for 1,5 hour and went to bed at 21.30 which is not my ususal fridaynight. But I have to take good care of myself during those busy periods I know from experience over the last years.
This weekend was all about calming down..Doing the weekly things on saturday as shopping on the market, coffee in the cafe, easy dinner, a glass of whine and watching Wallander (2 episodes) on the tele. Today is about writing this blog and coffee in Almen (as ususal).Knitting is a bit slow at the moment. Only a few rows in the evening.. some evenings I was even too tired to pick up the needles. But the project I am working now is again an Estonian lace shawl from a pattern by Nancy Bush in great Knitpicks yarn I got from Wendel.
Had to start over a few times due to concentration problems...but I am sure the result will be fine.
Bram still is not feeling very well -very tired- but we are still trying to find a reason. Hopefully the coming holiday will do him well. Not always easy to deal with it for the both of us, but we are coping quite well I must say.
Off now to have some tea and later I will make a Summer Risotto with fresh peas in it...in my new Kitchen...
Picture is from last week when not everything was totally done..
I also did start another blog with the title Every Garment tells a Story. I hope to write once a week about 1 item from my wardrobe. Had this plan already for months, and being busy is not a good reason for not writing...


  1. O Jan, wat geweldig wat de 4de jaars studenten hebben gemaakt. Met kippevel zat ik het te bekijken, zo mooi, zo origineel!! Inderdaad wat een voorrecht om deze jonge mensen zo te mogen volgen, mogen helpen met ontwikkelen en dan al dat moois wat ze maken te mogen bewonderen!!
    Je keuken is echt een hele verandering zeg! Zeer mooi en strak geworden. Bevalt het jullie een beetje?
    Jammer dat Bram zijn conditie maar niet voor uit wil. Het zou zo mooi zijn. Hopelijk dat de zomer beter wordt en het hem goed doet.

    Dikke kus van Tijm

  2. Ha die Jan, ja, het is druk. Let op jezelf al is het werk van je studenten zeer 'rewarding'. Blijf bij wat ik zei over het zwarte jasje. Sterkte met de gezondheid van Bram.


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