Shetland in 2 days

I had planned to write a post last week.. but nothing came of it. Bram wasn't very well so it ended up that we had to go to our doctor, the hospital and my mind was just not ready and open enough to write. And next to that I had to take care of him and all the rest.Last Sunday we almost had to decide to cancel the holiday. But thanks to our doctor he has a cure and we can go off to day.
There have been some changes as: A. We have a wheelchair: a black ,small and rather nice looking one. Very practical because you can take the big wheels of and the rest is fold-able. I really had to get used to it in the beginning.We made jokes about it (we have a Cabrio!!),but there was also sadness and the feeling of loosing something. It felt very uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing to ride with it. Sort of another step going down. Guess everyone has that in the beginning...but after thinking and talking about it I took the step to just go for it and give it a try.The first ride was not easy: lot's of voices in my head...
There is nothing to be embarrassed about and I don't need to be ashamed of it.I took Bram to the hairdresser on Tuesday and after than we had a tea in town and for the first time in weeks I saw him smiling. It was lovely to sit together at Mattie's were he hadn't been for months.And yesterday I felt for the first time OK with it. We now can go everywhere and his and my world can expand. Museums won't be a problem any-more and maybe it also helps me to get a better condition. I noticed that I walk to fast so I have to slow down more. B. Because we have found out that our last car (our great Red Citroen C2: the first car I drove after getting my driving licence!) was to small to carry a wheelchair and luggage we to sell it and buy a new one. We were lucky to have the possibility to buy a demo car (7 months old and 7000km) and are now the proud owners of a rather posh looking Citroen C3 with all the luxury in it. So the drive to Shetland will be very comfortable.
So Shetland: here we come!!!! We get 2 friends over to join us. Birgitta (who lives near Glencoe comes over for 5 days: we haven't seen each-other so long) and dear friend Tiny (who was with us last year) comes for 9 days) Will be fun and the 2 girls know each-other also and are also looking forward to meet up again. I am almost sure it will be rather emotional to pick them up at the airport..
And of-course I did knit over the last weeks.I finished a pair of simple socks in beautiful Araucania yarn which were a UFO for so long. I am going to give them to a friend who is not very well so these socks might give some comfort. And suddenly strangely enough I am very into Lace-knitting. Didn't like it at all in the beginning, but after continuing and seeing the result I got completely hooked on it. My first green lace shawl in beautiful Jamiesons and Smith lace yarn came of the needles and after blocking this is the result. Kieran Foley with me and one of the first things I will do when we arrive in Lerwick is to purchase some lace yarn..and start of. I am lucky that I can attend a lace-class in the last week we are there. Liz Lovick has organised a trip to Shetland after Knitcamp in Stirling and I can join them to the visit at the Museum on Tuesday and a lace-class on Tuesday and perhaps a Fair-Isle class on Friday.
And for the rest I will read, walk, visits friends, drink coffee in town, read the local news and go a few times to the museum. Perhaps there is a concert we can go to and the other nice thing is that for the first time in many years I can celebrate my birthday with 2 friends..!!!!
So now it is off to pack everything and go to the ferry in the afternoon. I am really up for it and have the feeling that we both need it.First the ferry from Ijmuiden to Newcastle tonight, than a 350 km drive to Aberdeen and than another night on the ferry which will bring us to Lerwick. We arrive there round 7 in the morning and after breakfast we have some ours to spend in Lerwick and round 14.00 hrs we can arrive in the cottage were we stay for 3 weeks. After that we are going to see a long time no see friend in Banff (north from Aberdeen) were we will stay for 3 days and than back to Newcastle. But that is not at the horizon yet!!
P.s. I am so proud of my home grown tomatoes... and they taste really good.It is just a small plant in a pot but we get loads of them.. A friend told me that once you are eaten something grown by yourself something changes in your mid and he is right!!!


  1. Ach Schat, wat weer een 'drempels' die jullie nemen moeten. Zo goed om te merken dat het nu gaat, dat ondanks het verdriet er ook veel goede dingen voor in de plaats komen, nu een keer de stap naar de rolstoel genomen is.
    Ik wens jullie allebei een enorm goede en gezellige vakantie toe!!!

    En je breiwerk........prachtig!

    x x x

  2. Wat goed dat je hebt doorgezet om de stap te nemen om weer samen te kunnen genieten. Ook de tomaten gaan hun steentje bijdragen vermoed ik.
    Wens julie een heerlijke vakantie en veel plezier. Ben bijna jaloers op de mooie cursussen die je gaat volgen.
    Mooie sokken en sjaal, op naar de volgende!
    Lieve groetjes Anje.

  3. Jeannette(breit op ravelry)13 augustus 2010 om 19:29

    Ik hoop dat jullie op dit moment genieten van een héérlijke vakantie!
    Hartelijke groet!


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