Shetland in 2 days

I had planned to write a post last week.. but nothing came of it. Bram wasn't very well so it ended up that we had to go to our doctor, the hospital and my mind was just not ready and open enough to write. And next to that I had to take care of him and all the rest.Last Sunday we almost had to decide to cancel the holiday. But thanks to our doctor he has a cure and we can go off to day.
There have been some changes as:
We have a wheelchair: a black ,small and rather nice looking one. Very practical because you can take the big wheels of and the rest is fold-able. I really had to get used to it in the beginning.We made jokes about it (we have a Cabrio!!),but there was also sadness and the feeling of loosing something. It felt very uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing to ride with it. Sort of another step going down. Guess everyone has that in the beginning...but after thinking and talking about it I took the step to just go for it and give it a try.The first ride was not...