Holiday...Time to unwind
It is holiday now.. 1 week is gone and another 1 to go. No train-rides early in the morning to work and the days (till now) are passing by in a pleasant way.. Snow came .. and snow went (actually it is really sunny here now) and so did those alternative "snowmen" in our street. I couldn't resist to put secretly a little candle in one of them...
My flu is luckily gone now (have been really sick for almost 2 weeks) and because of that I missed the "Charity Day in my School". I would have presented with my colleague Annemiek the X-factor and we would have been dressed as old English couple
and as a Toreador with a beautiful woman with lots of cleavage..
We got the costumes from De Nationale Reisopera in Enschede were usually students of us do their training. It was great fun to search for the costumes..
I am knitting the socks for the publication in the sockpattern-book. They need to be ready and send to London in the beginning of January. Jon from Easyknits dyed 2 special colours for me and they come out really nice. My plan first was to do a sock in 3 colours but 2 made a stronger design I did found out at last. They are done in Fair-Isle technique. I can't publish a picture right now.. but I promise I come back to this subject. It is my first design for a woman's sock and that is slightly different from male socks.. But I am pleased with the design and so is the publisher and writer of the book. So.. that goes well and so does my other knitting- project. "On the Needles": a pair of sturdy gloves with tiny little cables in 100% Scottish hand dyed yarn which I bought in Glasgow..
One is already finished and the other one will be finished when my socks are done.. They fit really good and I heared on the Tele that winter will come back next week.. Amazing things are happening too.. As you could have read in a previous post. I was on Dutch Television. Now Teleac (they made the program: Stars in front of the Class) did send me an e-mail asking me if I would be interested to be study-leader in a program about making clothes..Last week I went there for a meeting and if they like my idea I probably say yes.. Who knows what happens and they will let me know in the beginning of January. Very exiting in a way.. My idea was to make a really funky and hip program with easy to follow, simple designs and not something for older ladies only. The meeting was really nice and inspirational for the both of us..(and.. it pays really well) Next to that I am in the English Knitting magazine Yarn Forward (thanks to knitting friend Jon) and they put my picture and pictures from my projects in the article.
It felt almost like a 2nd Coming out ;-). Don't know what it is , but I have the feeling that I become more visible in a way.
Christmas doesn't mean so much to me. At least not in the way it is done now... I get irritated by all the luxury arriving in shops and by all those full trolleys in the supermarket (I always wonder: do they eat everything in 2 days??). For me Christmas has more to do with: simplicity and no fuss at all. So the days go by in a pleasant and calm way. Of course I like a glass of wine but I don't want to go into this "wonderful Christmas Mood" (mind you: I passed a Retirement Home and there was a silly singer singing: "walking in a winter-wonderland" and loads of old people there where sitting in a wheelchair or have difficulties with walking...).
For the last year my Husband Bram is having a hard time sometimes.
Walking is very difficult for him which sometimes is not easy for the both of us. I have had 3 talks with my former psychotherapist and now I am in the state of accepting life as it is and I try to look at the things we can do. The start of the day is always difficult. Our house is not very practical but he and I don't want to go somewhere else. It could be easier to live in an apartment but this house really suits us.
It is built in Medieval times and fragments of that can be seen at the back of the house.
And after all .. he is for almost 27 years my
What's left is another week to go with loads of knitting, visiting friends and family..Time to unwind..
P.S. In a way I think this blogpost is a bit messy....but it is still Made with Love..

"Greatest Love of my Life"So we talked yesterday about our summer holiday and perhaps we return to Shetland and we also hope to stay for a week on the North-coast of Scotland to meet up with a friend. Sometimes we hear: but isn't that too difficult for Bram and than our reply is: we try and of-course he gets tired of travelling but when we don't do those things any more we end up staring at each other and wondering why we didn't do the thing we like. And.. it is always nice to have something to look forward too. Next week we will visit hopefully grandson Jim and he brings so much joy into our life. It is really special to have a grandson and it changes everything in a way. Everything gets softer in a way. He is 1,5 year now and is so cheerful and he looks so open into the world. So here he is:
Ontroerend, op diverse fronten.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMet een brok in mijn keel heb ik dit postje gelezen.
Mannen, heel veel succes met het vooral kijken naar wat wel kan en lukt en te zoeken naar oplossingen voor de dingen die niet meer lukken.
Om dat te kunnen is er veel positiviteit en kracht nodig en die wil ik jullie van harte toewensen in 2010. Samen met heel veel plezier, gezelligheid en geluk.
Ben het zo eens met Tijm!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDaarnaast hoop ik met je dat je die cursus van Teleac gaat doen. Ik heb me alvast voor de nieuwsbrief aangemeld.
Ach lieve Jan, ja, soms krijg je het leven niet cadeau. Maar bij alle moeilijke en bijna niet te accepteren momenten, krijg je meteen weer spannende nieuwe kansen. Verder: ik ben je grootste fan en als je boek af is ben ik de eerste die het koopt en promoot (of zijn die sokken niet voor een boek?0
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks :)