Holiday...Time to unwind

It is holiday now.. 1 week is gone and another 1 to go. No train-rides early in the morning to work and the days (till now) are passing by in a pleasant way.. Snow came .. and snow went (actually it is really sunny here now) and so did those alternative "snowmen" in our street. I couldn't resist to put secretly a little candle in one of them... My flu is luckily gone now (have been really sick for almost 2 weeks) and because of that I missed the "Charity Day in my School". I would have presented with my colleague Annemiek the X-factor and we would have been dressed as old English couple and as a Toreador with a beautiful woman with lots of cleavage.. We got the costumes from De Nationale Reisopera in Enschede were usually students of us do their training. It was great fun to search for the costumes.. I am knitting the socks for the publication in the sockpattern-book. They need to be ready and send to London in the beginning of January. Jon from Easyknits dy...