In my previous post I promised to write about the just released book about Dutch Fisherman's Ganseys. Written by Stella Ruhe . In Dutch the title is: Visserstruien uit 40 Nederlandse vissersplaatsen. There is an English translation with the title: Dutch traditional ganseys. Sweaters from 40 vilages. (I couln't find it on Amazon, but there are some book(web)shops in Holland who also deliver all around the world.) For many years I had on my bookshelve the only book on Dutch Fisherman's ganseys. Written in 1983 by Henriëtte van der Klift-Tellingen. The book is printed in black and white, has many pictures from beautifulganseys in it, and it tells the history behind them. It is a good book, but the new book is better and more interesting. (but more about that book later in this post) I have never made a gansey for myself, but I have always been attracted to them. Dutch ganseys (and the same is for English one's) tell a history from f...
I loved the SURPRISE and have watched it a couple of times now, thanks for sharing. I emailed the link to my friends in the Netherlands and they were also suitably impressed. I couldn't get the song out of my head the next morning when I was walking the dogs, but it's not a bad song to have going through your mind for a while, quite cheerful :-)