Autumn mood

Yes, Autumn has arrived. The leaves in the garden are getting beautiful colours and there are days with rain, storm and sun. Autumn is -with Spring- my favourite season because you can feel the "change in the Air" and the nature is changing rappidly. It is also the season to curl up in the sofa with a good book or something to knit. Talking about knitting. I have finished 2 pairs of socks (the Lighthouse Gansey socks and the Elevator: patterns on Ravelry and 2 new socks are on the needles. They are the Earl Grey in bright red yarn (maybe with a bright green heel and toe for a change) from Brown Sheep yarn and the Kawkawesque in Wollmeise Yarn (love the yarn and the colours) You can't have enough handknittd socks I always feel and I love to knit them. As a treath for myself I have ordered yesterday some handdyed yarn (socks that rock) from Blue Moon fibres and a friend will take them with her from the States (where she lives: thanks MJ) and I will pick it up probably on a SnB night in Utrecht next month. It is not very cheap but I love the colours and the feel of the yarn is really nice and soft. And I am still working on a sockpattern for a book which will be published in GB and the USA. The yarn is not the right one but it will be something like this:Knitting still helps me to keep calm and so does meditation. I have started meditating again and at the moment I meditate 2 or 3 times a week when I feel for it. Whenever I start something new I sometimes do it too fanatic which can be good sometimes but also can make me very stressy. One of the lessons I think I am still learning is to make things easier for myself instead of complicater and being lazy sometimes not a bad thing to do. Last week Bram and I visited the hospital because the cardiologist wanted to have photo's taken from the inside of his hearth. It took alsmost 3 hours and I went with him. There was a strange moment when he came back from his first appointment. He went in dressed as most days:jeans, shirt, cardi and (have a look at!) my handknitted socks... He was asked to come in and 5 minutes later he came back dressed in those silly but very practical blue kind of pyama-top and with him he had a roling infusion. Immediately he became a patient just by wearing this item. Sometimes I am still amazed what clothes can do after all those years I am working with this theme. If the cardiologist can't find something than we have to go to another specialist. We both hope that they can find the reason why Bram's mobility is so bad at the moment. I always feel a bit sad when I see him like this. Being together for so long (27 years in Janaury) we both never thought about the things which are happening to him and to us. We never felt out age difference all those years but now we do and it is sometimes hard feel it. Doing long walks together or a day to Amsterdam are no longer on the agenda. Preparation is what we always have to do. It is good that we never have thought about those things because than you don't enjoy the moment. Looking at small things which are going well colours our days and ofcourse we have up and down days we manage quite well till now. I try to look it from the positive side and that also this gives me new insights. About new insights: I was on the Dutch national Tele last week and for the first time I liked it to look at myself without thinking: gosh, I am really not nice to look at (sorry, had this frustration for many years, but worked on it and since my days of therapy I am over it). The progam is called: Sterren voor de klas which means: Stars in front of the class. A Dutch celebrity named Harm Edens (talkshowhost, presenter) (which I met by a strange coincidence a few years ago) had to take over my design-lessons and had to comment on the way he was doing it. Filming was done in June for 2 days. I took it very serious and my comments were quite strong and strict.The class featured in the program was really good. They had to design a shirt and produce it. On the site from Sterren voor de klas you can see the result by clicking on aflevering 4: Harm Edens. Sorry for my readers who don't understand Dutch but at least you can see a glance of me. After the program was on I got really sweet and wonderfull mails from friends and family so thank you all for that. Ofcourse I was hoping for a call from Hollywood but till now..... nothing at all..... Tomorrow I am off to Antwerpen to visit a student who is doing a 20 weeks training at the Koninklijk ballet van Vlaanderen My train leaves very early (5.45)but I am very looking forward to it. Yes..... my work brings me to a lot of interesting places. I do hope tomorrow I get the same SURPRISE as the people in the Railwaystation Hall in Antwerpen... Have a look: I loved it!!!


  1. Helga (stokesvegas on Ravelry)2 november 2009 om 08:28

    I loved the SURPRISE and have watched it a couple of times now, thanks for sharing. I emailed the link to my friends in the Netherlands and they were also suitably impressed. I couldn't get the song out of my head the next morning when I was walking the dogs, but it's not a bad song to have going through your mind for a while, quite cheerful :-)


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