A month passed by...
Yes, a month ago I did write my last entry and loads of things have happened in the last 4 weeks or so. Busy as usual at the end of the schoolyear with nice things as fashion shows and presentations of happy students and things as meetings, arguing which takes a lot of energy and sometimes give a negative feeling.. But holiday is slightly appearing at the horizon and in 3 weeks I am now staying on the Shetland Isles for 4 weeks.
As mentioned: we had a fashionshow and as ususal I was the ladyspeaker (strange name by the way!!) and 2 collections brought almost tears in my eyes. One was from a student who was born in Afghnistan and came as a refugee to Holland. She had made an eveningcollection made from Burka's which she imported from Afghanistan. It was almost a political statement when she took of her burka in which she stood behind during the show. I was very touched by it. She is a wonderfull student who told me alot about her life in Afghanistan and what this collection ment for her..
The other collection was made by a student who's famliy comes from Indonesia and she used old antique sarongs from her grandmother to make a stunning collection which was also a tribute to her grandmotherwho had passed away
There was also more to see as my 3th year students showed in a Balkan inspired theme with bodywarmers made from recycled fabrics (we really had to laugh when they performed it for the first time and everybody in hte audience started clapping...) and a slick theme with grey suits..
It is always a joy to see my students showing off their designed garments and I always feel proud and touched by them. So that was over and than the next project turned up for our teachers which was the result of the task: pimp your teacher..... My very talented student Bas Timmer designed and made a coat from old Dutch used postbags and it is such a good coat for me. He asked me because I was kind of a challenge for him and he the moment I tryed it on on it felt very good and comfy and I feel really good in it. Will have to knit a nice scarf with it for the coming winter.... We had a photoshoot in the studio and the result is here:
And for the rest... of course there is more to be told but.... time for tea now.. and some things I have to keep in my mind:
I have to keep calm the coming weeks.
I have to meditate more regulary
I am going to knit a little to keep my mind calm
I am going to enjoy those last 2 weeks.....
Will write soon X Jan
P.s. Photo's are made by my collegues Riky and Onno
P.s Current knitting: socks, socks, socks... and much more on the needles

Complimenten aan jouw studenten Jan! Ik hoop eens in de gelegenheid te zijn een show te bezoeken.