A month passed by...

Yes, a month ago I did write my last entry and loads of things have happened in the last 4 weeks or so. Busy as usual at the end of the schoolyear with nice things as fashion shows and presentations of happy students and things as meetings, arguing which takes a lot of energy and sometimes give a negative feeling.. But holiday is slightly appearing at the horizon and in 3 weeks I am now staying on the Shetland Isles for 4 weeks. As mentioned: we had a fashionshow and as ususal I was the ladyspeaker (strange name by the way!!) and 2 collections brought almost tears in my eyes. One was from a student who was born in Afghnistan and came as a refugee to Holland. She had made an eveningcollection made from Burka's which she imported from Afghanistan. It was almost a political statement when she took of her burka in which she stood behind during the show. I was very touched by it. She is a wonderfull student who told me alot about her life in Afghanistan and what this collection ment f...