Bargain of the Day

Today is 'KoningsDag', or in English: 'King'sDay'. There are free flea markets all over the Netherlands. Amsterdam has several. Everybody is selling the stuff they don't want to have anymore. Items bought will travel from North to South and from East to West. A few markets are round the house were we live. This morning I decided to try to walk instead of cycling. My hernia isn't gone, but it goes better. Next to physiotherapy twice a week, I get acupuncture at a Chinese Medical Centre here in Amsterdam. I felt the need to do something extra for my body and mind. There is a difference appearing. This Saturday I will get Chinese Massage, because too much acupuncture isn't good for my body. Next to my hernia I have a chronical problems in my arm, shoulder and neck. The Chinese doctor told me that it will be fine at the end, but it needs time and treatments. I trust him, which is very important. But back to this morning. I to...