I am Allright...

Sometimes I want to write a post about a subject, but when trying to do this it doesn't work. I t seems that I can't find the right words, the right sentences, or the right mood. At the moment when writing this, that occurs to me. That is why I write this now , and I hope the right opening will appear. What do you want to write I asked myself... I want to write about myself. On how I feel after Bram passed away, and how I cope with everything. In previous posts before -and even after- he passed away I have always been open about the situation we had to deal with. I want to write about the things I do at he moment. My experience of living again alone after living together for more that 30 years. Let's start than.. just as I talked to friends last night. I often get the question: How are you? Usually my answer is: More or less allright. Some days go better than others, but I can see at change happening within myself. The enormous pa...