
Migraine .. every now and than I suffer from a Migraine attack. Last night one suddenly came up when a woke up at 4.30. It is not a good sign for me because usually it means that I haven't taken good care of myself in general. So I had to stay home today (sorry class) after I had taken 2 paracetamol's and a good and deep sleep I feel much better now. Guess sometimes my body reacts when it all becomes too much and than I really have to listen to it. I hadn't had one for a long time but it can hit me suddenly out of nowhere. For years ago it happened once during lessons and my students told me to go home because I looked terrible. Sleep and paracetamol helps me and after it I am really hungry and must eat some sweet things. So now I am fine but I am still thinking why it has happened. Guess it has to do that the life the both of us are having is dramatically changed. Last night I saw Bram climbing the stairs and it broke my heart because he was so tired and could hardly walk...